Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Emily

My Grandma's birthday was this week.
In honor of her big day I am writing this blog and sharing this recipe! :)
When I was a little girl I would spend a week in the summer at my grandparent's little cottage in Canada. The first summer that my parents had me go visit I was a little hesitant. I was seven and had not spent a whole lot of time with my dad's parents. It only took me a day or two to get used to the cabin life. I soon was busing myself with helping my grandma in the kitchen and my grandpa in his garden. I was a very imaginative child and it didn't take long for grandma and grandpa to play along. My Grandma's pretend name was Emily, I was Jennifer and Grandpa was Mr. P. My Grandpa taught me about gardening and driving a boat. My Grandma would get out little trinkets and things that belonged to her as a child. I always felt very special to share that with her. One of my favorites was her child's cookbook called Kitchen Fun. (I recently found my own copy at a thrift store and was ecstatic!) I will never forget my summer's up north, and I hope that my grandparents wont either. I bet they never imagined what they were getting themselves into when their eldest son dropped a scrawny blond seven year old at their doorstep twenty years ago!
I have always had good intentions of writing about my adventures in Canada. I have been wanting to put it into a book for years. As I got older I kept journals of my trips too. Someday...
Well Grandma, (or should I say Emily), this is for you! My favorite recipe from Kitchen Fun, even though it's not gluten free. :( Happy Birthday!

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